September 03, 2008

Fun Times at the Lake :)

~ We we had a really good time at the Lake! We couldn't of asked for better weather while we was there :)
~ Thought I'd post a few pictures.
I am feeling better today ,but have a head cold, and hives on top of that. Am hoping things clear up for me :) Seems to be better today though! YAY...I still have alot to post about though!
Love to hear from you all! take care~


Jessica said...

I keep trying to leave you comments and it won't let me.

Jessica said...

Hey that one comment did actually go through. Good deal. It showed on mine that it never did. I'm at work right now so I'm trying to comment on these fast computers. So far they've all gone through. Enjoyed your pics. I check back often, just don't always get to comment since it won't go through. It pulls up the page cannot be viewed thing. Anywho. :) Glad you had fun at the lake.