This is little Gavin playing in our old water heater box... you all don't know how glad I am that's over with... well Amanda might! lol It ended up leaked underneath us, put the old guy's furnace out, it was a bad 2 days right before Gavins party.. but everything turned out great in the aftermath of the storm! lol....
Oh, Boy, I must have missed something. What happened??? Sounds horrible?!
Oh, by the way, cute picture. Looks like a lot of fun
oh man rach.. it was a mess!! They out a new water heater in and pipes and the next morning, the landlord called and said the guy under us had water coming from his ceiling where HIS water/furnace was...it had been leaking all nite long. We didn't even think of checking on it or anything...so I just loaded the lids up and went to my mom's! It was a hard 2 days! But it's over with now.. just am wondering how much the water bill's gonna be!!!
the people that installed the heater should be made to be responsible for the water bill and damages!!! What a mess.
I bet that was hard being in someone elses home for 2 days?
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