May 12, 2009

Tons and TONS of pictures!

One of my favorite pictures of her...her face is just so her! i seem to have alot more pics of her instead of gavin, that is because he never sat long enough for me to even snap some! haha!
He's getting so big and talks like such a big boy now....sigh... he has K-4 graduation next'll be so sweet!
I do LOVE LOVE this picture in black and white too :)
WE was able to all get together and see noah's mom for mother's day weekend..we went and ate at Applebee's YUM!
~ Our Sweet little family ~
Gavin and becca's child... haha Cami...
too cute or what? she loves this dog and it's so sweet to watch the kids with her!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Enjoyed browsing your "tons" of pictures. :) Always do. I really like your hair in the one of you and your little girley.

Kaytee Jo is a doll. She looks just like your brother.

I can't believe how GROWN UP Gavin looks. SCARY!!!! They're both cutie bugs!